Lightning is the most natural phenomenon occurring in nature. All of us encounter lightning very often. Especially if the location is more prone to thunderstorm, lightning is quite obvious! .
And we all know that lightning can cause severe damages to human lives,historical monuments, industrial buildings/structures and what not!! There is a high possibility that the electrical/electronic equipment inside these buildings/structures might also be at risk. The only way to find that out is, to do to a RISK ASSESSMENT for your building/structure!
If you want to manually calculate your risk for any particular building/structure, then you have to follow all the steps and formulae given in IS/IEC 62305-2. This particular part exclusively talks about performing lightning risk assessment for any application of your choice. Be it your house, office, mall, industry etc.
To perform all the calculations manually and to arrive at the risk level might be a tedious task. You will need an expert to perform the task. You will have to invest both your time and money for the same. To make this task incredibly easy for you, we, at JEF, has come up with a software to perform your RISK ASSESSMENT! This is an automated software which is built based on the formulae given in IS/IEC 62305-2. The MOST EXCITING thing about our software is you can perform the entire risk assessment and even generate the “Bill of Materials” & “Report” within 5 minutes!! Isn’t that brilliantly awesome?!
The essential benefit of our software is that it performs both internal and external lightning risk assessments parallelly and continuously executes risk assessments from level 4 to level 1, providing the best techno-commercial solution. This parallel risk assessment of arriving whether a building/structure requires a level 4 Lightning Protection Systems (LPS) with level 4 Surge Protection Device (SPD) or any other level of protection can be determined only in the software. It is not possible when you are performing a risk assessment manually. The software even avoids the human error that may occur when you are calculating the risk manually. The cost implication which might arise from level 4 to level 1 is shown in the below graph. Level 4 is the minimum level of protection and level 1 being the highest level of safety. The cost increases almost four times from level 4 to level 1.

You are probably going to have a few questions now! Hold on, I am sure you will find all of your answers in the next two minutes, so keep reading! I am guessing your first question would be, what is the name of the software, and where do I find it? Well, we call this software JEF SHIELD. The working premise of JEF SHIELD is that it identifies the risk, analyses it, and then determines your RISK LEVEL.
And it can found on!
And the next obvious and a million dollar question , how do I use this software? Do not worry, our software is very much user friendly. All you have to do is give ACCURATE input data as and when it asks. So to give accurate data, you will have to do your homework thoroughly. Your risk assessment results are solely dependent on your INPUT DATA. More the accuracy of your input data, more the accuracy of your risk level! You can say, they are directly proportional to each other. .
Going to the next question which you would have, what exactly is this “INPUT DATA” ? Input Data includes around 20-25
crucial parameters which mainly includes :
A. Location in which the building/structure is presentd
B. Length, Width & Height of the building/structure
C. Details of power & telecom lines
D. Type of floor, number of floors in the building/structure
E. Risk of fire
F. Total number of people in the building/structure & functional hours etc.
Once the input data is given, our JEF SHIELD performs the risk assessment in the back-end. You can generate the risk assessment report and bill of materials within 2 minutes and download the same for your reference. .
If you are smart enough and have some basic knowledge about the building/ structure for which you are performing risk
assessment, then you are good to go!
Sitting in any corner of the world, you can perform risk assessment for any structure/building and have the results within
So, next time you have any requirement to perform lightning risk assessment for any kind of buildings/structures,
Just one Google search away, quick , easy , user friendly and gives you accurate results within minutes!!
For more information, contact us at [email protected]"